Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Died Today

I Died Today

I died today, or so it seemed
My hearts so full of pain
Too much sadness, too much hate
Too much unlawful gain

What is life, who is it for
Has it really become so dire?
What went wrong, did we forget
It’s Love we should desire

A child grows up, with hopes and dreams
But what will they become?
Filled with pain, filled with hate
Crushed under this world’s thumb

Where is love, where has it gone
Has it flown so far away?
Far from my heart, now torn apart
Is hate the price I pay?

A gun they say, will cure my hurt
A rope will end this pain
To rid my life, that has no worth
Is there nothing left to gain?

But is this true, is there no point
Is life just a waste of time?
There must be hope that I can’t see
It’s just too high to climb

Some say there’s hope, a precious gift
Sent from God above
He gave His Son as hope for us
To prove his wondrous Love

He suffered hurt, He suffered pain
His body bruised and torn
He took so much but never once
Did He wish He wasn’t born

And through it all He endured for us
To prove how much He cared
To show His love He died for us
That our life might be spared

This world of hurt, this world of pain
So many just don’t care?
But if I hide, I’m just like them
His love’s what I should share

I thought a while, I have found Love
It’s been with me all along
Here in my heart, right from the start
I’d forgotten for so long

I died today or so it seemed
He swept my pain away
I found a hope in Jesus Christ
Love came back to me today

By Daniel Sweetnam

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Lonely Wooden Pew

The Lonely Wooden Pew

This lonely wooden pew
Is where I sit and make my stand
I dream that I'm a warrior
Fighting at God's command

A thousand enormous battles
Are nothing for me to win
Because I trust in Christ my Savior
I've given everything to Him

Suddenly I'm awaken
By the sound of the preacher's voice
He says, No more Dreaming,
It's time to make a choice

It's time to take a stand
To become all God ordained
That even the smallest child
With Christ, shall surely reign

Then I heard another voice
Very quiet, it spoke to me
It reminded just how comfy
This wooden pew can be

That if I stand and fight
My dreaming will all end
By leaving this small pew
I might wind up just like Him

I ask, Who do you mean?
He says, The one that lost it all
That gave His life and died
To save man from their fall

To sit here in this pew
You can rest and give your tithe
You just listen and look good
Let others work and die

Then another appeared before me
It was a man with angel eyes,
My child, He spoke so gently,
It's for you I toiled and died

Do not listen to that deceiver
His fate's already set
But you my child I fear for
As you haven't decided yet

Remember that I Love you
I will protect you for all time
If you follow in my footsteps
You then are truly mine

It's time to stop your dreaming
And be the warrior I made in you
Up till now you've just been sitting
In a lonely wooden pew.

By Daniel Sweetnam

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Father I Still Love You

Father I Still Love You

I tried so hard to love you
But you never really cared
I tried so hard to trust you
But you were never really there

I wanted you to love me
But your heart had grown so cold
I wanted you to play with me
But money was your only goal

And now that I've grown older
And I look back on the years
I remember all the anger
The hurt the pain the tears

Father I forgive you
For all those wasted years
And I try not to remember
All the hurt the pain the tears

But father just please tell me
Did you ever love me once
Or was I just like leftovers
That you throw out after lunch

Father I still love you
And I'll never let that die
But father just please look at me
Say you love me to my eye

Father I must be honest
When you left I found another
My Father up in Heaven
And Jesus my loving Brother

They were the ones who loved me
When you had never cared
They were the ones who saved me
From a life of hate and despair

Father I still love you
And that will always stay true
But father will you love me
Because your child still needs you.

By Daniel Sweetnam

Age Doesn't Matter

Take Time to Watch the Sunset

Take Time To Watch The Sunset

Take time my friend I ask
To listen to what I say.
Look around and see
What's been given to you today.

Stop and look around you
To see all that we have.
Watch and listen clearly
There's no reason to be sad.

Why worry all the time
And rush from every place.
Why forget the ones we love
Can't we see what God has made.

A father's much too busy
For all his son so wants to do.
But when that child is older
He may be much to busy for you.

Take time to watch the sunset
It shares the beauty of what God made.
Take time to see the colors
Stop wasting all your days.

Why worry about the things you eat
The things you use and wear.
For these are all just things
Chasing them will bring despair.

God knows all that we need
All we desire, all our cares.
Take time to watch the sunset
For soon it will not be there.

He's given us all so much
All the beauty we could desire.
But first we must take hold of it
To be rid of the darkness and mire.

Take time my friend I say
I'll tell you just once more
Take time to watch the sunset
Let it open your heart's door.

Always follow its example
In everything you do.
No matter how busy life becomes
Stay loving, honest and true.

It never seems to worry
About what tomorrow may bring.
It makes the most of everyday
And gives glory to God the King.

Now if you forget my friend
About all that I have said.
Take time today to be thankful
For tomorrow you maybe dead. 

by Daniel Sweetnam