Monday, November 19, 2012

The Lonely Wooden Pew

The Lonely Wooden Pew

This lonely wooden pew
Is where I sit and make my stand
I dream that I'm a warrior
Fighting at God's command

A thousand enormous battles
Are nothing for me to win
Because I trust in Christ my Savior
I've given everything to Him

Suddenly I'm awaken
By the sound of the preacher's voice
He says, No more Dreaming,
It's time to make a choice

It's time to take a stand
To become all God ordained
That even the smallest child
With Christ, shall surely reign

Then I heard another voice
Very quiet, it spoke to me
It reminded just how comfy
This wooden pew can be

That if I stand and fight
My dreaming will all end
By leaving this small pew
I might wind up just like Him

I ask, Who do you mean?
He says, The one that lost it all
That gave His life and died
To save man from their fall

To sit here in this pew
You can rest and give your tithe
You just listen and look good
Let others work and die

Then another appeared before me
It was a man with angel eyes,
My child, He spoke so gently,
It's for you I toiled and died

Do not listen to that deceiver
His fate's already set
But you my child I fear for
As you haven't decided yet

Remember that I Love you
I will protect you for all time
If you follow in my footsteps
You then are truly mine

It's time to stop your dreaming
And be the warrior I made in you
Up till now you've just been sitting
In a lonely wooden pew.

By Daniel Sweetnam

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this after church one Sunday, being frustrated with what I'd seen. The pastor was trying hard to encourage us to share what we believe. But afterwards it seemed like everyone was upset. They commented that it wasn't their job to tell others about Jesus or the bible, that was for the pastor, leaders and the young people to do.

    The young people were upset because they had enough to do and didn't want to talk to others about what they believed. A discussion continued by several justifying why it was right for them to simply attend church and nothing more.

    As the volunteer youth pastor, I finally said, "What if Jesus had thought like all of you? I imagine you would have no church to come to." Then I went home and wrote this poem.
